Calvary Distinctives

Sunday Mornings

Bible Study  

Calvary Kids

Church Calendar


At the Days Inn

Wednesdays at 7:00pm at the Days Inn  

Sunday Mornings during the service ages 3-12

Growing in the Lord  through chapter by chapter verse by verse teaching through the Bible.


At Calvary Chapel we believe in keeping it Real.

We desire that each person who comes through the doors is greeted with real love, real fellowship, and real people who all have been changed by the power of Jesus.

At Calvary we put a real emphasis on God centered worship and digging into the Word of God chapter by chapter, verse by verse.  

We would LOVE to meet you and we pray that you are greatly blessed as you visit!

Calvary Chapel Cranbrook

Metting at the Days Inn Cranbrook 600 Cranbrook St. N.

Phone Number 250-426-7897

Why Expositional Teaching?

Services and Events:

Sunday morning at the Days Inn

10:00am Prayer Coffee and Fellowship

10:30am Worship service  

Midweek Bible Study 7:00pm at the Days Inn

Friday morning prayer 10:00am

coming up

Men's Breakfast Sat. May 11th 9:00am at ABC Resturant

Youth Thursady May 16th 6:30pm

Ladies Fellowship Friday May 17th 7:00pm Walk at Idelwild park

Call or email church office for location and or directions

Calvary Cranbrook Family Camp  

Summer Camp for the whole family

Every morning and evening we will gather around the fire pit in a time of worship and sharing in God’s word together.

It’s a great time for the whole family to unplug and relax. We all chip in together to prepare the meals and clean up afterward ensuring that

everyone gets time to unwind and enjoy. If you can only make it out for a day come on out and enjoy the Lake and fellowship with us. We invite you and your family to join us for a couple of days to unwind, fellowship, and enjoy Gods’ beautiful creation. Rock Lake Camp is a fully functional summer camp. Enjoy time swimming in the lake, hiking the trails, or just lounging while reading a good book or chatting with a friend.

Information and Registration

Contact for further inforamtion